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    Aerospace Protectant 303 8 oz. 30330


    303 8 oz. Aerospace Protectant 30330

    303 is THE LEADER in UV Screening Technology.

    Protectant really is like SPF 40 Sunscreen...

    For Your Stuff. Regular use gives 100% Prevention of UV caused slow-fade with regular use. No other protectant beautifies as intensely, protects as powerfully or lasts as long.

    303 Aerospace Protectant keeps UV-sensitive materials "like new" year after year.

    The Worlds Most Manufacturer-Recommended Product.
    Because of its enduring cosmetic properties, the resistance of 303-treated surfaces to dust, soiling, and staining, its water repellency and unparalleled protective characteristics, manufacturers worldwide recommend 303 Aerospace Protectant.

    Use on Vinyl:

    • Convertible tops (and the clear vinyl windows), isinglass, marine seating, tonneau covers, car bras, covers, spa covers, swimming pool covers. Inflatable boats: Hypalon, PVC and urethane blends

    Use on Rubber:

    • Tires, neoprene, latex, door and trunk seals, weather-stripping, EPDM rubber roofs, CV boots, waders, wet suits



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