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    Raypak Low-NOx Digital R407A Heater ASME 407.000 BTU 0009295


    Raypak Low-NOx Digital R407A Heater ASME 407.000BTU 0009295

    Natural Gas

    Why ASME?
    Some local codes require that public swimming pools,swimming pools that are in a condominium and apartment or other commercial application be ASME certified. ASME stands for American Society of Mechanical Engineers. They are a non-profit group which sets many industrial and manufacturing standards. Aswimming pool heater that is made to ASME standards will perform to a set of specifications as determined by ASME, specifically in relation to the operating water pressure the appliance can handle. Each and every ASME heat exchanger that goes into a Raypak heater is certified by a state inspector to make sure it complies with the ASME code for that particular product.

    Cast Iron Glass-lined Header
    Raypak applies its years of commercial boiler experience to the design of its cast iron glass-lined headers. A metal header design allows for the higher working pressures required by ASME. All ASME headers are inspected upon arrival at Raypak and each lot (pour date) tested by an independent laboratory. Only after the material passes stress analysis and metal composition tests is it approved for use in an ASME unit.

    All Copper Fin Tube Heat Exchanger
    All Raypak RP2100 ASME gas heaters come standard with .065in wall integral copper finned tubes. This tubing is over 50% thicker in wall thickness than standard tubing. Since the fins are integral to the tube, maximum heat transfer is attained. The fin tubing is made from one piece of extruded copper tube, not from separate fins attached to the copper tubes. Every RP2100 has the same robust design tube bundle that is used in Raypaks large gas commercial boilers. Built to last, built Raypak tough.

    • CPVC 2in Water Connections
    • Condensation Protection
    • Hi Flow Rates

    No need to worry about large pumps or high flow systems. The RP2100 comes with an automatic bypass built into the header. The RP2100 can handle up to 125 GPM



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