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    This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 22 December, 2012.

    Spa Crystals Cucumber Melon Fragrance 2 lb. SCCM


    2 lb. Cucumber Melon Fragrance Spa Crystals SCCM

    Designed Specifically For The Spa Experience.

    The new Spa Crystals fragrance line features a unique blend of plant extracts and essentials minerals that blend in perfect harmony to create the only fragrance crystals formulated specifically for the spa/hot tub industry. Included in each elegantly constructed box of Spa Crystalsyou will find 2 pounds of fragrance crystals nestled inside a re-sealable package with deluxe convenience scooper.?Spa Crystalsare available in a range of different scents sure to increase the quality of any soak. Get rid of that spa water smell and open your senses to the benefits of Spa Crystals.

    • Formulated for spas and hot tubs.
    • Highest concentration of fragrance available.
    • Re-Sealable packaging and scooper included.
    • 2 lbs of fragrance crystals in each box.
    • Only 1 scoop per soak necessary to complete the spa experience.



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