This product was added to our catalog on Saturday 22 December, 2012.
Pentair Sta-Rite Heater Control Board 42002-0007S
Used on the following models:
Control Board Setup
There are three types of stack temperature monitors on Sta-Rite heaters. An HD board (Part No. 42001-0096A) will work with any of the three.
A standard board (Part No. 42002-0007S) only works with a stack Flue Sensor. If your heater has eitheran Indoor Stack Flue Switch or an Outdoor Stack Flue Switch, you will need to use an HD board or replace the Stack Flue Switch with a Stack Flue Sensor. Please see Figure 3 (on page 3) to identify which type of Stack Flue protction your heater has. If you have an HD board, follow the directions below to program the board for the correct device.
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