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    Submersible Pump 54 gpm 4/10 HP


    Big John Submersible Sump Pump - 8 Series

    The Big John submersible sump pumps provide efficient; trouble-free service for extended or continuous use in moving large volumes of water. Little Giant's submersible sump pumps are ideal for use in Excavation; Crawl Space; Basement; Underground Passageway; Loading Docks; Grain Elevator; Construction Site; Cooling Tower; Fire Cleanup and other applications requiring high volume water dispersal. Cast iron pump housings with protective epoxy coating for corrosion and rust resistance.

    Oil filled motor housing for lifetime lubrication and rapid heat dissipation. Stainless steel screws, bolts, and handle.

    Mechanical seals (stainless steel spring, nitrile parts, carbon and ceramic faces).

    Thermal overload protection.

    Automatic operation with pressure switch operates when water level is between 7" to 10". Pump shuts off when water level falls to between 1" - 4" (Pressure switch is non-adjustable).

    Product Specifications

    Spec Sheet Item Number: 508158

    Model Number: 8-CIA



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